About us

Welcome to the new ShareReactor.com, a blog dedicated to sharing knowledge about file sharing, the history of the internet, and new platforms that are emerging in the online world.

Our goal is to provide readers with valuable insights and information on these topics, while also engaging in discussions with our community. We believe that the internet has become an essential part of our lives, and file sharing has become a popular way to share information and collaborate with others.


Jason Gesner

With a background in digital media studies and a passion for understanding how online interactions shape our social landscapes, Jason Gesner has emerged as a pivotal voice in discussions about digital culture and its impact on society.

After completing a Master’s in Communication and Media Studies, Jason began their career as a journalist, contributing to various tech and culture magazines. Their articles often explored the nuances of digital identity, privacy, and the evolving nature of online communities.

Recognizing the profound effects of the internet on creativity, collaboration, and knowledge dissemination, Gesner pivoted towards more in-depth research and commentary, leading to the publication of their first book.

Our goal

At ShareReactor.com, we are committed to providing our readers with comprehensive and honest reviews of popular file-sharing services and platforms. Our team of writers and researchers rigorously tests and evaluates each service to provide our readers with an objective and unbiased analysis.

We understand that there are many different file-sharing services and platforms available, and it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

Our reviews cover various aspects of each service, including their pricing plans, storage capacity, security features, ease of use, and customer support. We also provide tips and insights on how to get the most out of each service, including tutorials on how to use their various features and functions.

Our goal is to help our readers make informed decisions when it comes to choosing a file-sharing service or platform. We believe that by providing comprehensive and unbiased reviews, we can assist our readers in finding the best solution for their specific needs.

In addition to reviews of popular services, we also offer articles and guides on the latest trends and developments in the file-sharing industry. Whether you are a business owner, student, or individual user, our blog has something for everyone.

Thank you for choosing ShareReactor.com as your go-to source for all things related to file sharing! We look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable insights and information.